GODO KIKO CO.,LTD., a manufacturer specializing in the design, production and sale of slitters


Inquire with GODO KIKO

This is what we value. GODO KIKO-ism


Long-lasting relationships of mutual trust create “extraordinary products.”


  • Creation of a development environment
  • Quality testing
  • Development of human resources
  • Partnership

Our approach toward production is well expressed by “Be a true partner by expressing opinions and disagreeing.”

We always try to put ourselves in the shoes of our customers.
However, this does not mean we will do whatever they tell us to do.
We make it clear to our customers what we can do and cannot do or what is right or wrong, because we want to be honest and faithful to our customers.

Production flow chart

After having communicated this to our customers, we devote ourselves sincerely to what we can do and propose alternatives for what we cannot do or what is wrong. As a result, we create products that exceed customer expectations – or “extraordinary products” – together with our customers.

We always try to put ourselves in the shoes of our customers and create products together with them.

We always try to put ourselves in the shoes of our customers and create products together with them.

Return to the GODO KIKO-ism

Inquire with GODO KIKO

Phone: +81-(0)774-46-1011

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